
An incomplete pile of documents that taught me, helped me, or I enjoyed reading.

Unix as IDE

[ unix deep-dive ]

Hexing the technical interview

[ jvm clojure ]

Hexagonal Grids

[ hexagon algorithm ]

Hello World under the microscope

[ deep-dive python windows ]

On the road to pure Go X11 GUIs

[ go x11 ]

GNU Make Cheatsheet

[ make cheatsheet ]

Bash Weaknesses (Things BASH is not very good at)

[ bash ]

Docker and the OCI container ecosystem

[ docker container ]

Posix make specifications

[ make spec ]

A Tutorial on Portable Makefiles

[ make ]

Prometheus Cheatsheets

[ prometheus monitoring cheatsheet ]

Redis Explained - An in-depth tutorial

[ redis deep-dive ]

Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide

[ bash ]

Signing Git Commits with Your SSH Key

[ git ssh ]

Schedule jobs with systemd timers, a cron alternative

[ systemd ]

systemd Shutdown Units

[ systemd best-practice ]

pure sh bible

[ shell by-example ]

pure bash bible

[ bash by-example ]

50 Useful Vim Commands

[ vim cheatsheet ]

Crafting Interpreters

[ book language-design interpreter ]

The different ways to handle errors in C

[ c design-pattern ]

The Missing Semester of Your CS Education

[ by-example shell vim git ]

RFC1855 - Netiquette Guidelines

[ rfc community ]

Sigils are an underappreciated programming technology

[ language-design ]

Too much efficiency makes everything worse: overfitting and the strong version of Goodhart's law

[ machine-learning ]

Lies we tell ourselves to keep using Golang

[ go rant ]

A beginner’s guide to finding user needs

[ ux ]

what happens when you activity post

[ activitypub ]

Choosing an HTTP Status Code - Stop Making It Hard

[ http ]

Smallest x86 ELF Hello World

[ ]
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